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Construction List - Casa 212

  Serial Line No Model Reg Current/Last Operator Status
Not Seen It 147 Casa 212-100 T.12B-71 (37-18) Spanish Air Force-Ejercito del Aire Active
Not Seen It 149 Casa 212-100 F-GKPJ BNP Bail Stored
Not Seen It 150 Casa 212-100 J5-GZZ Abakan-Avia Stored
Not Seen It 151 Casa 212-100 TN-AFA Aero Service Written-off
Not Seen It 153 Casa 212-100 N124JM Louisa Flying Svc Active
Not Seen It 154 Casa 212-100 N214WA Williams Aviation FO LLC (Akron OH) Stored
Not Seen It 155 Casa 212 212155 Not Built Left Fleet
Not Seen It 156 Casa 212 212156 Not Built Left Fleet
Not Seen It 159 Casa 212-200 TJ-AGH Lutexfo timber Stored
Not Seen It 160 Casa 212-200 N160FB Northwest Airlink Written-off
Not Seen It 161 Casa 212-200 N602AR EP Aviation LLC Active
Not Seen It 162 Casa 212-200 N603AR EP Aviation LLC Active
Not Seen It 163 Casa 212-200 TI-SAB SANSA Written-off
Not Seen It 164 Casa 212-200 N461CA Sandair-Sandaun Air Svcs Written-off
Not Seen It 165 Casa 212-200 N107BH Bighorn Airways Active
Not Seen It 166 Casa 212-200 N437RA Arctic Transportation Svc Active
Not Seen It 167 Casa 212-200 N467CS National Aircraft LLC Active
Not Seen It 168 Casa 212 N426CA Spitaker Leasing LLC Active
Not Seen It 169 Casa 212-200 N37838 Fischer Brothers Left Fleet
Not Seen It 171 Casa 212-200 N117BH Bighorn Airways Active
Not Seen It 172 Casa 212-200 N346CA Bald Mountain Air Service Inc Scrapped
Not Seen It 174 Casa 212-200 N440RA Arctic Transportation Svcs (Anchorage AK) Active
Not Seen It 175 Casa 212-200 N348CA Ryan Air Service Inc Active
Not Seen It 177 Casa 212-200 TR-08118 Venezuelan Navy Active
Not Seen It 178 Casa 212-200 EC-LSK Ministry of Finance Customs Surveillance Service Active
Not Seen It 180 Casa 212-200 N437CA Evergreen Helicopters Alaska Active
Not Seen It 181 Casa 212-200 HP-1171 Pacific Air Transport Stored
Not Seen It 183 Casa 212-200 ARBV-0206 Venezuelan Navy Active
Not Seen It 184 Casa 212-200 N184CA Arlington Leasing Comp Scrapped
Not Seen It 186 Casa 212-200 T-530/CX-BOF Zimbabwe Air Force Active
Not Seen It 187 Casa 212M-200 Aviocar 531 (CX-BOG) Uruguay Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya Written-off
Not Seen It 189 Casa 212M-200 Aviocar 532 (CX-BPI) Uruguay Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya Active
Not Seen It 190 Casa 212-200 N352CA Ryan Air Inc Active
Not Seen It 192 Casa 212-200 N109BH Bighorn Airways Active
Not Seen It 193 Casa 212-200 N431CA Samaritans Purse Active
Not Seen It 195 Casa 212-200 N495CS Rampart Aviation Active
Not Seen It 196 Casa 212-200 C-FDKM Fugro Aviation Canada Written-off
Not Seen It 198 Casa 212M-200 Aviocar 533 (CX-BPJ) Uruguay Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya Stored
Not Seen It 209 N49 Casa 212-200 Aviocar A- Indonesian Army Active
Not Seen It 229 Casa 212M-200 Aviocar 534 (CX-BPK) Uruguay Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya Active
Not Seen It 230 Casa 212-200 805 Abu Dhabi Air Force Active
Not Seen It 231 Casa 212-200 N960BW Aviation Worldwide Services LLC Written-off
Not Seen It 232 Casa 212-200 OB-T-1218 Aero Chasqui Written-off
Not Seen It 233 Casa 212-200 806 Abu Dhabi Air Force Active
Not Seen It 234 Casa 212-200 N355CA Executive Airlines Written-off
Not Seen It 236 Casa 212-200 T3-ATC Air Kiribati Active
Not Seen It 237 Casa 212-200 FAP215 Panamian Air Force Written-off
Not Seen It 238 Casa 212-200 N422CA Bering Air Active
Not Seen It 239 Casa 212-200 D.3B-3 Museo de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica de España Preserved
Not Seen It 240 Casa 212-200 N423CA Evergreen Helicopters Stored
Not Seen It 241 Casa 212-200 FAP220 Panamian Air Force Active
Not Seen It 242 Casa 212-200 N424CA Ryan Air Service Inc Active
Not Seen It 243 Casa 212-200 FAP225 Panamian Air Force Stored
Not Seen It 244 Casa 212-200 807 Abu Dhabi Air Force Active
Not Seen It 245 Casa 212-200 C-GILU Terra Surverys ltd Written-off
Not Seen It 246 Casa 212-200 808 Abu Dhabi Air Force Active
Not Seen It 247 Casa 212-200 EC-LKJ Spanish Ministry of Finance Customs Surveillance Active
Not Seen It 248 Casa 212-200 ECT-104 Casa Left Fleet
Not Seen It 259 Casa 212-200 D.3B-04 Spanish Air Force-Ejercito del Aire Active
Not Seen It 260 Casa 212-200 D.3B-5 Spanish Air Force-Ejercito del Aire Stored
Not Seen It 261 Casa 212-200 EC-LJH Spanish Ministry of Finance Customs Surveillance Active
Not Seen It 262 Casa 212-200 N429CA Murray Aviation Re-Regd
Not Seen It 263 Casa 212-200 N499SP Samaritans Purse Active
Not Seen It 264 Casa 212-200 ARV-0209 Venezuelan Navy Written-off
Not Seen It 265 Casa 212-200 C-GDPP CGG Aviation (Canada) Ltd Active
Not Seen It 267 Casa 212-200 EC-122 Casa Stored
Not Seen It 268 Casa 212-200 ARV-0210 Venezuelan Navy Written-off
Not Seen It 269 Casa 212-200 N431CA Latin Air Services Written-off
Not Seen It 270 Casa 212-200 T.12D-75 Spanish Air Force-Ejercito del Aire Active
Not Seen It 271 Casa 212-200 N432CA American Executive Air Charter Written-off
Not Seen It 272 Casa 212-200 N478XP Paraclete XP Skyventure LLC Active
Not Seen It 273 Casa 212-200 I-MAFE C.G. Ripreseaeree Active
Not Seen It 285 Casa 212-200 N433CA CASA North America Stored
Not Seen It 286 Casa 212-200 N434CA Rampart Aviation Active
Not Seen It 287 Casa 212-200 N439RA Ryan Air Service Inc Active
Not Seen It 288 Casa 212-200 800 Zimbabwe Air Force Active
Not Seen It 289 Casa 212-200 N604AR EP Aviation LLC Active
Not Seen It 290 Casa 212-200 N605AR EP Aviation LLC Left Fleet
Not Seen It 291 Casa 212-200 N497CA Rampart Aviation Active
Not Seen It 292 Casa 212-200 N112BH Bighorn Airways Active
Not Seen It 293 Casa 212-200 801 Zimbabwe Air Force Stored
Not Seen It 294 Casa 212-200 N502FS Sentry Aircraft Leasing 4 LLC Active
Not Seen It 295 Casa 212-200 802 Zimbabwe Air Force Written-off
Not Seen It 296 Casa 212-200 88-0321 United States Army Written-off
Not Seen It 297 Casa 212-200 D.3B-9 Spanish Air Force-Ejercito del Aire Written-off
Not Seen It 298 Casa 212-200 YN-BYZ Aeronica Stored
Not Seen It 299 Casa 212 212299 Casa Left Fleet
Not Seen It 300 Casa 212-200 803 Zimbabwe Air Force Active
Not Seen It 301 Casa 212-200 T.12D-74 Spanish Air Force-Ejercito del Aire Stored
Not Seen It 302 Casa 212-200 T9-ABA Air Bosna Cargo & Mail Active
Not Seen It 303 Casa 212-200 FAC-1150 SATENA-Servicio Aereo a Territorios Nacionales Written-off
Not Seen It 304 Casa 212-200 N606AR Presidential Airways Active
Not Seen It 305 Casa 212-200 N5069L Guam Marianas Air Scrapped
Not Seen It 306 Casa 212-200 FAC-1152 SATENA-Servicio Aereo a Territorios Nacionales Written-off
Not Seen It 307 Casa 212-200 Aviocar 2027 Paraguay Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Paraguaya Active
Not Seen It 308 Casa 212-200 N413CA Carolina Sky Sports Stored
Not Seen It 309 Casa 212-200 N2357G EP Aviation LLC Active
Not Seen It 310 Casa 212-200 2029 Paraguay Air Force-Fuerza Aerea Paraguaya Active
Not Seen It 311 Casa 212-200 EC-LSL Ministry of Finance Customs Surveillance Service Active
Not Seen It 312 Casa 212-200 804 Zimbabwe Air Force Active
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